Sarah Riedel Senior Project Manager
A native Floridian who relocated to the northeast both for seasonal variation and the wealth of hiking opportunities, Senior Project Manager Sarah Riedel is motivated by her never-ending quest to expand her skills in the digital marketing space.
Throughout her career, Sarah has worked in project management and client services at advertising agencies in both Connecticut and Florida. She’s worked in restaurant and food service, healthcare, senior living, transportation/mass transit, and education. Her ability to keep track of multiple projects at once (and stay on top of things, despite the different subject matters) is a skill she developed after years of working in diverse industries. (And is something that comes in handy at Rebel daily!)
She’s also “super into DIY-ing,” and admits to being completely addicted to Pinterest. In fact, whenever she contemplates new decor for her house, a new toy for her toddler, or a new recipe for dinner, she takes to Pinterest to hunt down the homemade versions. “My first thought is always: ‘could I make this myself?’” But within reason: Sarah admits to her fair share of Pinterest fails.
Regardless, we’re still going to ask her to make us that new recipe for dinner.
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