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Living Like the Jetsons: 4 Ways to Use AR in Your Brand’s Marketing

Transforming the Visual World with Augmented Reality

Although the Jetsons predict we’ll have flying cars and holograms in 2062, current-day technology is ever-evolving. Forget about Zoom calls — I’d love to hologram myself into meetings. I can picture it now: the illusion that I’m in the office and not really at home wearing pajama bottoms would really cut my commute time!  

While we don’t have live holographic abilities quite yet (sadly), we do have something that can change our perspective through a lens: augmented reality (AR). If you’ve been living under a rock like the Flintstones, augmented reality is an interactive experience of a real-world environment in which objects are enhanced by computer-generated information, sometimes across multiple sensory factors, including visual or auditory. 

We see augmented reality in the everyday world, from Pokémon GO to Warby Parker, but there are many untapped opportunities in AR for smaller brands. 

An example of a brand forging a new path in AR marketing is BON V!V Spiked Seltzer. BON V!V partnered with the AR tech brand Aircards to create an experience available to consumers through a simple QR code. With a quick scan, consumers are cast into an entirely virtual vending machine experience. Consumers can select a can of BON V!V, see the details up-close, and find out where to buy their chosen product online or in person. This interactive experience puts BON V!V front-and-center in the AR game.

Ways to Become a Jet Setter in AR

Staying on top of technology advancements and industry news is key to keeping ahead of the game. Rebel experts recommend businesses in the following industries start building an AR brand experience: 

  • Education
    • According to our Senior Account Executive Samantha Manz, “AR would totally change the game for choosing your college. You no longer would need to travel the country to visit campuses and get tours or information sessions, something that can really add up in costs and put a strain on parents.” Beyond the long-distance benefits, colleges and universities have an opportunity to use AR to maximize the campus tour experience. By building a program to provide QR codes at each location on the tour, prospective students would be able to scan the code and view the area as it would be if they were attending the school. Participants could experience what a classroom would be like in session, or watch a school basketball game from the bleachers — all on their phone. 
  • Tourism
    • Historical locations are a goldmine for AR tech. Tourist locations would implement a program and set up QR codes to allow tourists to scan the code and, through augmented reality, watch a historical character pop onto their phone screen to give them a walking tour of the site. 
  • Healthcare
    • Healthcare organizations could enhance the waiting room experience with AR tech that provides crucial information for patients. A patient could scan a code and receive information on checking in, health tips, pre-appointment checklists, and more. 
  • Consumer Packaged Goods
    • Rebel AdOps Developer, Chris Dias, has launched AR tech for brands to enhance the product listing experience. Brands can engage with consumers by putting QR codes on packaging that, when scanned, provides additional information through AR. Brands could choose to give examples of meals that could be made with the ingredients in the package, or have a demonstration of how a product can be used to obtain maximum benefits. AR has opened up a new avenue of communication to convey more to your customers than just the text on the back of the package. 

Are there really any downsides to AR? It creates an immersive and enjoyable experience for consumers, and since they’re the ones being marketed to, why not prioritize their enjoyment when creating ads? AR is new enough to shock and amaze some consumers — establishing your brand as technologically advanced and unafraid to deviate from traditional advertising. Sounds like a no-brainer.

George Jetson’s job may be pressing buttons, but augmented reality is a little more complex than that.

Rebel hopped on board the AR train, working with several brands to provide new experiences with AR for consumers. Rebel specialized in creating AR tech that enhances the product experience for individual brands, so we know firsthand that AR is not limited to big-name brands that have the funds to sponsor worldwide campaigns. We have experience with using AR tech in brand marketing strategies for small and mid-sized companies. An example? One client launched new campaigns with AR characters that jump onto your phone screen and explain the product’s use directly to the consumer. Rebel even used AR in our own marketing campaigns with filters on Snapchat! 

Smaller and mid-sized brands have an opportunity to wow consumers with AR technology that rivals the campaigns of Home Depot and L’Oréal. AR is impressive on a large-scale level; but not unattainable for smaller campaigns. 

Jet your brand into the future and contact Rebel to make your AR dreams a reality! 

Authored by:

Rebel Staff

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