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Going Glocal: Combining Global and Local Advertising to Win at the Marketing Game Advertising, Branding

When it comes to marketing an international business, there are usually two different approaches: standardize everything and blast the entire world with the same material or develop different advertising strategies for each local market. While both takes on international marketing have their merits, we believe the ideal solution is to combine them both in a way that is homogenous and cost effective while still garnering the attention of the locals in every region.


It is easy to see why global marketing is appealing: Instead of having to develop multiple marketing strategies, businesses can use the same content around the world. Global marketing puts out the same message whether it is being shown in China, Europe, or the United States. It is a solid approach to international marketing because it makes sense financially—when only one campaign needs to be developed, there is substantial cost and time savings to be had. Additionally, global marketing ensures the same brand message is being received worldwide.


On the other hand, local marketing definitely has its appeal. Yes, companies have to develop separate marketing strategies to cater to the preferences of the region they are advertising in, but in doing so, they are able to make a deeper connection with the residents in that area. Local marketing is also a strong international marketing strategy because it pays attention to the legal restrictions, varying types of media, and different trends that are occurring worldwide.


While both strategies have their benefits, we believe going glocal (global and local in one) is the secret to international marketing. It combines the cost effectiveness of global marketing with the regional appeal of local marketing. Here’s how going glocal works:

  • First, a company must develop a global marketing strategy. This means sticking to the same message and creative elements worldwide in order to build brand awareness and ensure that the core of all international marketing practices remains consistent.
  • Once the global foundation is set, an international business can make tweaks to their marketing strategies to attract the local markets. This local marketing can include running geo-targeted PPC campaigns that lead to personalized landing pages with region-specific keywords in the copy.

When it comes down to it, we are all humans, which is why a standardized approach to international marketing is so successful, and its cost effectiveness is certainly alluring. However, cultures and trends do vary greatly worldwide, which is why it’s important to execute local inbound marketing strategies as well so that the ROI can be optimized.

At Rebel Interactive Group, we are experts at going glocal. We know the winning combination of global marketing and local marketing to produce amazing results, no matter what part of the world the company is in.

Contact us today if you are ready to go glocal and capitalize on your international marketing efforts.

Authored by:

Jess Reilly

Adtech enthusiast. Predictive intelligence maven. Cheif marketing officer, who leads the creative, paid media, SEO, and data science departments at Rebel Interactive Group, a team of full-stack media strategists with...Read More
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