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10 Marketing Resources Rebels are Thankful For Marketing Agency, Video Marketing

We Love Family (And Turkey And Mashed Potatoes); We’re Also Thankful for These 10 Things

On the third Thursday of each November, we gather and give thanks for our bounty: from too many people at the holiday table to too much pie at the end of the meal.

And marketers have their own special list of things they’re thankful for: digital marketing resources. That’s right. Sometimes nerds like us close our collective eyes and express gratitude for the simple (and sometimes very complex) things in life.

Ian, Content Marketing Manager
What I’m thankful for: Google Alerts, for keeping me up to date on news
“I’m thankful for all the opportunities I’ve had to learn about different industries and subjects. Working at a marketing agency means getting to know your clients’ businesses and keeping up with the latest news in their fields. I use Google Alerts to keep track of certain key terms and get an alert right in my inbox whenever there’s something my client needs to weigh in on.”

Katie, Account Supervisor
What I’m thankful for: Being a part of a great industry, and for Google Discover, which provides the latest news, updates, and entertainment — right at my fingertips!
“I’m thankful for the opportunity to work in an ever-growing industry and around brilliant minds that constantly challenge, push and educate me, all while having fun! I’m also thankful for Google Discover, which provides daily updates, news, and entertainment quickly and easily. It’s a super helpful resource!”

Mike (Coop), Technical Content Manager
What I’m thankful for: Agorapulse for monitoring and managing social media
“Using Agorapulse allows us to be more effective in managing our client’s social media accounts, in addition to social listening for how our clients are referenced on social media. Many clients have separate social media accounts for different departments, and Agorapulse gives us the ability to easily track what is being posted and when so we can get the best return on our investment with brand impressions.”

Deirdre, Director, Organic Search & Strategy
What I’m thankful for: Ahrefs — for monitoring/reviewing performance, and Twitter — SEO news
“When thinking about what I’m thankful for in regard to marketing, one tool I couldn’t do my job without is Ahrefs. It helps me quickly understand how a website is performing from an SEO perspective. Also, I’m very thankful for the active SEO thought leaders on Twitter for sharing their knowledge and keeping other SEO specialists up to date. Their no BS attitude helps me grow every day. An account I highly recommend following is @techseowomen.”

Steven, Digital Production Manager
What I’m thankful for: WordPress
“WordPress provides functionality that can support most of a client’s website needs. It’s made creating websites easier and more efficient than ever! I’m also thankful for it because there is a large community of developers that build and share plugins for WordPress for just about any additional functionality you might need.”

Hannah, Graphic Designer
What I’m thankful for: New design tools, such as Bannersnack (and snacks in general)
“Our creative team recently discovered a new tool called Bannersnack, an online platform dedicated to designing and building banner ads. This tool has increased our efficiency in creating banner ads by at least 30%, and we have features including animations and transitions that have revolutionized the way we approach banner ads.”

Doc, Advertising & Search Data Scientist
What I’m thankful for: R
“R allows our data science team to rapidly pull insights from large and sometimes unexpected data sources. Thanks to R, we save ourselves hours of work in Excel and can explore the data with ease, skipping over a lot of manual data entry and manipulation.”

Zack, Manager, Advertising & Search
What I’m thankful for: Google Analytics
“Google Analytics is the most reputable tool we have for understanding website performance, and in addition how our paid campaigns are performing, driving to websites. It helps solve a lot of problems when sales are down or website lead forms are up, and also helps also explain those metrics.”

Melissa, Senior Account Executive
What I’m thankful for: Google Suite and Slack
“As a member of the account team, I’m thankful for Slack and Google Docs, Slides and Sheets. Whether it’s shooting out an urgent client question via Slack or simply working in the same document at the same time, I love how these tools foster efficient communication and real-time collaboration with my teammates, even if we can’t all be in the same place.”

Jackie, Senior Account Executive
What I’m thankful for: Google Tag Manager (GTM)
“As a tagging geek, I’m thankful to Google for creating a universal tagging solution that allows users to set, edit and publish ALL the tags needed in one place. This tool makes it efficient for the installer and on the site!”

Hear more from our Rebels below!

From Ahrefs to Xverify, the mechanisms mentioned above (and a few others) make our lives/jobs a little easier while making our clients’ products stand out and get noticed. Want to learn more about what we do and how we do it? Drop us a line here.

Authored by:

Allison Minutillo

A natural positive leader who has an innate curiosity for all aspects of marketing, fearlessly leading clients and teams through unchartered territories with her eyes on business results at every...Read More
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