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2020 Small Business Marketing Tips Marketing

This Has Been the Year That’s Changed Us

We’ve all had the wind knocked out of us over the last few months. While many are recovering, others are still trying to find their next step. Through it all, one thing has proven true — with change comes opportunity. 

As the world continues to adapt to the changes brought on by COVID-19, brands are being forced to redefine how they do business. From offering contactless service to adopting new technologies, meeting consumer expectations is more important than ever. But in order to do that, we must first address the changes in consumer behavior – both temporary and permanent.

In an effort to address and understand how we can tackle these changes, Rebel partnered with the Connecticut Department of Economic Development (DECD) and the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) to produce a live webinar on July 21, 2020 as a resource to help Connecticut small businesses .

At Rebel, we are true believers of when there is change, there is opportunity. So, despite the challenges and obstacles we’re often forced to overcome, we’ve learned to be agile in our approach. We have used this mindset to help our clients remain agile, as well. 

Focusing on marketing, planning, strategy, and tactics, our panel of subject matter experts – Rebel’s SVP, Marketing Services, Jess Reilly and Rebel’s Marketing Strategy Manager, Nina Velic – cover topics that will not only help your business adapt, but to grow and thrive. 

The live recording of the webinar addresses how brands and businesses of all sizes can get back into fighting shape and respond to the new environment. From what you should and shouldn’t be doing regarding your marketing spend to rising digital and streaming consumption, we discuss how you can use intelligence and technology to continue scaling your business – even in today’s challenging times. 

More specifically – we dig into how you can adopt an e-commerce strategy, leverage gamification and loyalty programs, and reach consumers based on real-time data through proven paid media tactics. 

Who Are DECD and CTSBDC? 

The DECD is the state’s lead agency responsible for strengthening Connecticut’s competitive position in the rapidly changing, knowledge-based global economy. The agency takes a comprehensive approach to economic development that incorporates community development, transportation, education, arts and culture. 

The Connecticut SBDC is an accredited member of America’s Small Business Development Center – the most comprehensive small business assistance network in the United States with a proven track record of providing over 36 years of service to small businesses. Its mission is to help Connecticut businesses start and grow in order to create jobs, increase business startups, and boost financial investment in the small business and entrepreneurial community.

These may be challenging times, but you’re not alone. Rebel stays committed to setting our clients up for success and scalability. 

Authored by:

Allison Minutillo

A natural positive leader who has an innate curiosity for all aspects of marketing, fearlessly leading clients and teams through unchartered territories with her eyes on business results at every...Read More
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