Karan Patil eCRM & Marketing Automation Strategist
According to eCRM and Marketing Automation Strategist Karan Patil, one of the core lessons he learned about life and work came from the NBA’s Philadelphia 76ers: “trust the process.”
“The process,” he asserts, “teaches me to fall in love with the journey and not worry about the destination because staying true to the process every time makes me realize that the goals and milestones will happen as a side effect. The process helps me to grind, be responsible, and embrace the possibilities that come with it.”
Given Karan’s love of process, it should be no surprise that his biggest frustrations are lack of communication and transparency. To keep structure in place at all times, he reaches out directly to others on a project or his manager to ensure that he always has every detail on hand to get his work done right.
He’s also a believer in leaving his ego at the door.
“I try to keep that in check and do what works best for my teammates and for Rebel,” he says. “I am not someone who holds grudges. I may be an introvert, but I have a ‘let’s go’ attitude and energy that helps to create a collaborative and supportive culture that fosters productivity and the overall growth of our company.”
Beyond the NBA, Karan loves a wide variety of sports, including football, hiking, bowling, cricket, and more.
His favorite is what he calls “real football”: soccer.
“I love soccer and everything to do with soccer,” he says. “Anytime I’m stressed or don’t want to think of something, soccer is the answer, be it playing on field, indoors, or even when video gaming. It has taught me many life lessons, such as practice making things better, becoming a true team player, that winning and losing is a part of the game, and that being positive moves us further.”
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